Monday 28 May 2012

How Age Affects Pregnancy? Infertility Issues

When a woman reaches to thirty years of her age, the chances of infertility also raised. Those women who have decided to start a family after 30 needs to know certain factors which are related with infertility issues.
The primary factor in knowing how age affects pregnancy is that the number fertilized eggs reduced in the uterus and that is the reason why it becomes difficult for a woman to conceive. Why it becomes difficult for a mother to conceive when she crosses 30? There are many other factors along with the one given. Menstrual cycle reaches to menopause and it also becomes irregular. The secretions become less fluid like the mucus secretions of vagina. This way the secretions become more hostile towards the sperms. Then factor of lining of a womb cannot be ignored. The lining becomes thinner as the age passes and becomes less hospitable for fertilization of eggs. The ovarian reserve gets reduced as the functioning follicles number reduces as well. With the age the number of viable eggs which can fertilize becomes less active.
Women with more age are often with some health issues. This might also cause negative impact on the health of the baby. Often pregnancy after 30 is difficult to handle as some of the women get affected from some of the reproductive tract diseases. Chlamydia, polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis are some of them.
Along with the given factors there are also some of the positive for pregnancy after 30.  Such women are with psychological benefits. They better understand the needs of their body and they can take care of their selves in a much better way. The medical studies observed that symptoms of the pregnancy can more readily be tolerated by mature mothers.
How age affects pregnancy? This question can also be answer from risks point of view which are associated with baby. The babies of such women are more like to be with premature birth. They might be with some of the negative impacts like Down’s syndrome.   The chromosomal abnormalities are more common in the babies of older mothers. This can be prevented if regular checkup and proper medication is being taken along.
Some of the simple measures that can proved to be good for the older mothers is to drink good amount of water which means ten to twelve glasses of water in a day. This will help you in keeping away from being dehydrated. So, all in all, on question of how age affects pregnancy we can deduce that no matter at what age you get pregnant the thing which matters is that keep a good diet. Complications would not erupt if regular checks are done.

Monday 21 May 2012

How Age Affects Pregnancy? The Truth

Age is one of the main factors of infertility in female. For older mothers, the chances of getting pregnant are lesser in comparison to those in their twenties or before thirty.
According to the estimates, it has been found that for about twenty percent of the women with age of thirty five or above is infertile. We often come across the question that how age affects pregnancy? Age does affect the pregnancy as the women are with greater risks of preterm delivery or miscarriages. According to guide to fertility given by Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, the chances of pregnancy after 30 reduced to half.
You might be thinking of the factors relating the question how age affects pregnancy or causes for decline in the fertility. Menstrual cycle of the women with older age becomes irregular and shorter which means these women reaches to menopause. The mucus secretions become hostile for the sperms along with reduction in vaginal secretions. The ovarian reserve also get lessen as the number of ovaries which are with viable eggs are just fewer in number. If the women come to early menopause then there are chances that eggs run out earlier than usual. Along with that, womb lining may get thin and would not support in fertilization of eggs.  If a woman is suffering from any of the chronic disease then the chances of being pregnant are minimal. The reason is that some of the disease may cause damage to the reproductive tract like, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Chlamydia, endometriosis and.
Medical studies have observed that in pregnancy after 30, women are more likely to bleed in their third trimester. They are with high blood pressure and placenta lying low. Along with the cons of the pregnancy after thirty we need to look into the pros as well. On the positive front, such women are more psychologically strong and can bear the complications in a much better way. Such women are not feared for loss of control or do not feel helplessness.
There is a small risk in most of the females conceiving pregnancy after 30 and that is death of a baby inside uterus. The rate of stillbirth is quite high in mature mothers. Despite the increased risk of babies preterm delivery or risks associated with babies. The women at older age are more prone to diseases and are with lesser level of immunity. So, they are required to be extra cautious.
All in all, how age affects pregnancy, we can answer by saying that conceiving at any age brought complications. The women are required to consider the precautionary measures. Simply, they need to improve their diet which must be enriched with nutrients, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. This way you will not get anemia and stay healthy. 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

How Age Affects Pregnancy? Reasons

Infertility is the main reason of getting pregnant in the older ages. The reason is that as the age precedes so does the chances of getting pregnant becomes less.
How age affects pregnancy? If you are one of the older mother then you might be with the question that why older women are with less chances of being getting pregnant. The fertility factor sees its decline in older females and it is due to many reasons. Menstrual cycle reaches to menopause and it becomes more irregular and even shorter. The secretions of mucus become less hostile towards sperm. The lining of the womb may become thinner and less able to fertilize an egg. The ovarian reserve of the older women is also less as the follicles which are functioning also get reduced. With the passing age, the numbers of viable eggs left are just few. The reason is that some of the women reach to menopause early and so do the eggs run out. Women with pregnancy after 30 are more likely to catch the diseases which might be chronic as well. If a woman over thirty is with the issues of reproductive tract or diseases associated with them then the chances of conceiving could be even low.
How age affects pregnancy in context of a baby? The affects on the new born baby could be numerous. However, it is quite obvious that pregnancy at any age comes with some of the complications. Premature birth of the baby is quite common in the older mothers. Low birth weight of the babies is often common and noticed in the older expecting mothers. It has been seen that older pregnant women are with Down’s syndrome. It has been researched that babies of older mothers are with less of the birth defects as they are more common in the young mothers. Despite the fact that older women are with less fertility but most of the babies are fine and normal.
Along with disadvantages, there are also certain advantages of conceiving pregnancy after 30 as well which cannot be neglected. They are psychologically strong and can bear their body changes in a much better way. It is unfortunate enough that older females are more likely to develop some of the medical disorders. Diabetes, high blood pressure or any of the chronic disease might have negative impact on the development of the fetus.
So, all in all, how age affects pregnancy? We can answer to this question. Infertility issues rises with the age but it has been seen that most of the older women babies are normal and less likely with the issues which are mostly suspected.