Friday 1 June 2012

How Exercises Are Good During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy may deplete your energy reservoirs which mean you might feel more stressful because you are carrying added weight along. By doing exercises, you can complete your daily tasks in quite easy manner.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, thirty minutes of moderate exercise is good enough to be done during pregnancy. This is true in case you are not having any of the medical complications or condition. Consult your doctor or midwife before adopting any exercises as they can guide you in a much better way. Safe exercises during pregnancy include swimming, brisk walking, and low impact aerobics. There are some safety guidelines which are required to be adopted in order to do exercise safely. Pregnancy exercises demands to avoid any risk or hard exercise which might constrict blood vessels and bring halt in the supply of blood to the baby. One of the main benefits of doing exercise is that it helps you out in having sound sleep.
Abdominal exercises during pregnancy helps in easing out the body stress. Sit ups and crunches are considered to be safe during pregnancy first trimester. When the second trimester initiates, it is being advised to avoid doing sit ups and body crunches. The reason is that it might constrict blood vessels of the body. Are abdominal exercises safe during pregnancy? Yes the exercises are safe if done in the safe manner like sit ups and crunches in the first half of the pregnancy. Lying back flatly might cause constriction in the blood vessels so avoid any exercises which requires such position. Abdominal exercises along with other pregnancy exercises helps in getting the better sleep and reduces the discomforts of the pregnancy. The aches and pain of the muscles get settled down by having regular moderate exercise.
Alcohol during pregnancy may cause physical and mental disorders in the newborn baby. There is a terms which is associated with it, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDS). These disorders appear in those babies who get affects with excessive intake of alcohol. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy may lead to wide range of disorders that can develop like intellectual disabilities; the baby would be with affected learning and behavioral patterns. The risks or chances of still birth are also high in such babies. Also, alcohol is not recommended in any quantity which means it is not safe in any quantity as it requires to be avoided.
All in all, exercises are good to be done during pregnancy whereas consumption of alcohol needs to be avoided as it is toxin for a baby and brings in many birth defects risks.

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