Tuesday 10 July 2012

Avoid Foods Containing Listeria during Pregnancy

Folic acid is one of the essential minerals which must be present in daily pregnancy diet plan. Medical experts of Center of Disease Control, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists and March of Dimes suggests that women at a child bearing age must consume 400mcg of folic acid daily in her diet.
According to one of the survey on folic acid pregnancy, three women out of every four are unaware of the importance of folic acid and do not take vitamins or supplements which contain folic acid. Why folic acid is required to be taken during pregnancy? It plays a central role in cell division and production and it also includes red blood cells production. Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) would develop in baby if there is a deficiency of folic acid in the pregnant women. They are found in the foods like fortified cereals, grain products and also in the prenatal supplements. How much folic acid during pregnancy? According to the medical experts, for about 600mcg of folic acid must be present in the routine diet.
Effectiveness of folic acid may get affected by the use of harmful products like caffeine, alcohol and most important of all smoking. Avoid eating raw meat or undercooked meat as there are great numbers of chances that they get contaminated with the bacteria named Listeria. It possesses the ability to directly affect fetus by reaching through bloodstream.  Foods to avoid during pregnancy also include fish high in mercury and due to the same reason. It may also be with the bacteria that can cause harm to the baby. Food to avoid during pregnancy also encircles raw eggs. The reason is that they may be exposed to the salmonella. Not only raw eggs but recipes made of raw eggs also need to be avoided like custards, homemade ice creams, mayonnaise etc. 
Along with folic acid, and proper food diet, exercises are also important in order to get relief from pregnancy discomforts like back pain which is quite common. Kegel exercises during pregnancy helps in controlling muscles during labor and delivery. Two common problems of pregnancy can be resolved which are: hemorrhoids and bladder leaks. These exercises also help in regaining the control of the bladder.
What are the safe exercises during pregnancy? Indoor cycling, running, jogging, walking, low impact aerobics and swimming are some of the safe exercises during pregnancy. Walking is better than running as it is easier on your knees than running. Make sure while having these exercises you are wearing loose and comfortable clothing. Do wear comfy shoes while running, jogging and walking. 

Monday 9 July 2012

What are the Tips for Exercises in Pregnancy?

Exercises during pregnancy must not be hard as hard exercise increase the risk of injury. Do not get exhausted while doing exercise as it may cause negative effect on baby. Exercises are best way in order to deal with the labor pains while having childbirth.
Start your exercise program by doing it fifteen minutes in a day continuously. Follow that pattern three times in a week. Gradually increase time for up to thirty minutes. There are certain tips for pregnancy exercises that could prove to be helpful. Before doing any exercise, try to warm up and take some time to cool down. Keep yourself active and walk daily for an hour or half. In hot weather, avoid any of the exercise which is strenuous. Try to drink plenty of water so that you may not feel dehydrated. Avoid all such exercises during pregnancy in which you have to lie on your back. Sports like judo, kickboxing, squash and all other sports in which there is a risk of getting hit must be avoided. Also avoid, horse riding, ice hockey, gymnastics and downhill skiing. The given sports contain the risk of injury.
Abdominal exercises during pregnancy first trimester include sit ups and crunches. They are safe during first trimester but they must not be continued in the second and third trimester.  Swimming is also one of the abdominal exercises during pregnancy but avoid scuba diving as baby is not protected against decompression sickness. Try to improve stomach muscles as this way you can get rid of back pain and many other exercises. If regular abdominal exercise is being adopted then stresses, aches and back pain can be treated quite well. One of the main advantages is that you would have a sound sleep at night.
Exercises alone would do no good until and unless pregnant women eat a well balanced diet. Alcohol must not be the part of daily pregnancy diet. The reason is that it works as a toxin for both the mother and the baby. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders occur if women keep on drinking alcohol during pregnancy. These syndromes cause intellectual disabilities. Such babies are small at the time of birth and possess characteristic facial features. The organs of such babies are not formed properly like heart. Also, these babies’ brains are not formed properly and are smaller than normal. Short attention span, coordination is poor and problems in emotions and behavior are some of the defects which are commonly observed.
So, following exercise tips help in doing exercises with much better results. Along with exercise keep good habits like avoid drinking alcohol and eat nutritious diet. 

Friday 6 July 2012

Folic Acid for Fetus Cell Division and Growth

Folic acid is necessary to be taken in daily diet during pregnancy. The reason is that it helps in cell division and growth of the fetus. Women at childbearing age must take folic acid in quantity of 400micrograms daily. This helps in eliminating deficiency of folic acid and thus certain birth defects.
According to the Center of Disease and Prevention, nearly three thousand infants are born with Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) in United States.  Spina bifida and anencephaly are common defects of the category. Which foods contain folic acid? Fortified cereals, grain products and in vitamin supplements, they are commonly found. Folic acid pregnancy prevents from NTDs for up to seventy percent. Risks of cleft lip and palate can be reduced if pregnant women take folic acid properly. According to one of the study, it has been found that if folic acid is taken in the second trimester it reduces the risk of getting preeclampsia which is caused due to high blood pressure. Folic acid during pregnancy dosage is 600micrograms and it must be taken throughout pregnancy especially in the first trimester.
Pregnant women must not only focus on what to eat but also on what food to avoid during pregnancy like alcohol, smoking and caffeine must be avoided as they are not considered to be safe during pregnancy. Raw meat and undercooked foods must be avoided as they may contain the bacteria named Listeria. Things to avoid during pregnancy also include overeating as it may lead to large babies. On average, take three to four proportions of fruits and vegetables in daily meal. One proportion of dairy products must also be added into the pregnancy diet. Do consult your midwife as she knows deficiencies and requirements of body quite well. You can ask nutritionist to formulate a diet plan that can suit to your body needs.
Along with diet, exercise during pregnancy is also crucial as it helps in easing pregnancy discomforts like back pain and stresses. For getting the easier breathe kegel exercises can be performed daily.  They help in developing the ability to control muscles at the time of labor and delivery. These exercises also help in regaining the control of bladder. Swimming is one of the best exercises during pregnancy as it helps in toning the abs muscles. Walking is another good exercises and much easier than running as they are easy on knees. Low impact aerobics is also a safe exercise during pregnancy and is often recommended. Whatever exercise program you adopt during pregnancy, try to perform all of the exercises in moderation. 

Sunday 1 July 2012

Pregnancy Exercises: Best Way to Relax

Exercises during pregnancy helps the pregnant women to get relief from the pregnancy discomforts like back pain, stresses and fatigue. Even if the pregnant woman is not involved in any of the physical chore she may get tired. This can better be treated by doing exercise instead of taking any other medication.
While following exercise program, you need to adopt certain measures like wearing lose fitting cloth, avoiding any hard exercise during pregnancy, avoid lying straight at your back, drink lots of water, and don’t get exhausted which means overheated. Before allocating any of the pregnancy exercises program first do consult your health care provider. Back pain is one of the main discomforts of pregnancy and you can’t relax if you are one of the sufferers. The best way is to exercise. Some of the safe exercises during pregnancy are: indoor cycling, low impact aerobics, swimming, brisk walking and jogging. These exercises are safe as they are mild or moderate. Also, there is no danger of any injury while performing these exercises.
If you are pregnant then probably you are carrying a weight bag of 15 to 20 pounds or even more. It is really difficult enough to sleep at night as sleeping at the back is not an easy job. Exercise is best to get a sound sleep. You need to keep checking your BMI as well if you are already underweight then exercise activity may also consume some part of your daily intake of calories.
Abdominal exercises during pregnancy are helpful for strengthening abs muscles. Swimming is considered to be the best exercise as it involves all of the abs muscles. Sit ups and crunches are also useful enough to be done. Not only this, there are certain exercises which may be prescribed by your midwife along with each step precaution. Do consult your midwife before adopting any exercise.  Abdominal exercise after pregnancy helps in reducing the tummy which projects a bad feel.
Is drinking alcohol during pregnancy safe? No, it is not as it causes health risks like physical and mental disorders. No matter how healthy you are eating and how regularly you are following an exercise plan. Alcohol during pregnancy brought in the risk of miscarriage. Fetal alcohol spectrum is the name given to the disorders related with consumption of alcohol. Baby most probably suffer from movement and coordination problems throughout his life. Also, baby will face learning difficulties and it may range from mild to chronic. It may cause permanent damage to the developing cells of the baby. The face, growth of brain and organs get badly affected especially in case if pregnant women drink excessively.