Friday 6 July 2012

Folic Acid for Fetus Cell Division and Growth

Folic acid is necessary to be taken in daily diet during pregnancy. The reason is that it helps in cell division and growth of the fetus. Women at childbearing age must take folic acid in quantity of 400micrograms daily. This helps in eliminating deficiency of folic acid and thus certain birth defects.
According to the Center of Disease and Prevention, nearly three thousand infants are born with Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) in United States.  Spina bifida and anencephaly are common defects of the category. Which foods contain folic acid? Fortified cereals, grain products and in vitamin supplements, they are commonly found. Folic acid pregnancy prevents from NTDs for up to seventy percent. Risks of cleft lip and palate can be reduced if pregnant women take folic acid properly. According to one of the study, it has been found that if folic acid is taken in the second trimester it reduces the risk of getting preeclampsia which is caused due to high blood pressure. Folic acid during pregnancy dosage is 600micrograms and it must be taken throughout pregnancy especially in the first trimester.
Pregnant women must not only focus on what to eat but also on what food to avoid during pregnancy like alcohol, smoking and caffeine must be avoided as they are not considered to be safe during pregnancy. Raw meat and undercooked foods must be avoided as they may contain the bacteria named Listeria. Things to avoid during pregnancy also include overeating as it may lead to large babies. On average, take three to four proportions of fruits and vegetables in daily meal. One proportion of dairy products must also be added into the pregnancy diet. Do consult your midwife as she knows deficiencies and requirements of body quite well. You can ask nutritionist to formulate a diet plan that can suit to your body needs.
Along with diet, exercise during pregnancy is also crucial as it helps in easing pregnancy discomforts like back pain and stresses. For getting the easier breathe kegel exercises can be performed daily.  They help in developing the ability to control muscles at the time of labor and delivery. These exercises also help in regaining the control of bladder. Swimming is one of the best exercises during pregnancy as it helps in toning the abs muscles. Walking is another good exercises and much easier than running as they are easy on knees. Low impact aerobics is also a safe exercise during pregnancy and is often recommended. Whatever exercise program you adopt during pregnancy, try to perform all of the exercises in moderation. 

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